Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I was thinking today about how people function in their daily lives, A big part of it is routine, social norms, and conditioning. Just like when your a kid and it's a hard adjustment to make to go to school. Graduating from college and entering the working world can be hard as well. And I believe it has a lot to do with adjusting to the working world and being conditioned. It makes sense that young 20 some thing's have a lot of angst. It's a hard adjustment to make and to accept. But that's what 95% of do, we accept things the way they are, we even eventually find comfort in the things we used to despise. Your work becomes you, you become your work. I can only imagine what's it's like for people who work two jobs, it would be like you (the real you) doesn't even exist. It's sad to think that the amount of hours we work, how much vacation time we have, it's all just a system. Nothing about it makes it legitimate, or the right way, or the only way to do things. America is great, we do well here, but were not exactly innocent either. It's so sad that we as humans are so conservative and so ruled by fear, that it hinders a lot of the freedom that is possible for all of us.


Anonymous said...

u got to take a class on existentialism~u could read on it, but a class would be the best!

Anonymous said...

It's good that you have recognized the conditioning~because once aware of something you can either change it or change how you react to it (more correcly). Some conditioning is necessary~hate to say it, and a lot does come from fear as you have said. As a parent, to have acceptable behavior, to have a child learn to be responsible for their actions, some 'conditioning' takes place.

The goal should be a fair balance & not use fear as a factor, but respect, common sense.

As an adult a person can get away with different behaviors, different way of dressing, but when you are bringing up a child~as the parent you want them to be accepted ~ and with that comes some pressure on the child for sameness.

Shane Keaney said...

Hmm that's true, I guess the challenge then would to instill a sense of questioning into the child as well. I'd want my kid to know that life is malleable, and just because something is one way doesn't make it right or the only way.